Sunday 14 December 2014

Production of Biofuels based on Algae

There are global efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and find economically acceptable alternative fuels and thereby significantly reduce emissions of harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. One of the alternatives are biofuels. Biofuels are due to its similar chemical  structure with petroleum products is quite good alternative to fossil fuels and the use of biofuels results in lower emissions of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, biofuels are environmentally much more acceptable than competing fossil fuels. Decreased total carbon dioxide emissions from biofuels are the result of closed carbon circle - plants and algae use atmospheric carbon dioxide to grow, and then by using biofuels, the carbon dioxide is returned back into the atmosphere. The carbon-dioxide emmison produced by burning fossil fuel goes in only one direction - from the earth to the atmosphere, which has direct impact on increase greenhouse gases in atmosphere.

Biofuels have many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Growing plants for biofuel production requires good quality agricultural land, that in fact should be used for food production.
Also, big problem when biofuels are concerned, is the fact that the production of biofuels uses a food as a raw material. Consequently, the price and availability of food throughout the world is affected.

Advantages of algae for biofuel production

The production of biofuels from algae has many advantages that makesalgae as extremely attractive fuel source. Algae grows 50 to 100 times faster than traditional crops for biofuels. An additional major advantage is that algae are single-celled organisms that do not require fresh drinking water and land to grow. Thus, production is extremely simplified. According to some experts production of fuel from algae is the best alternative to fossil fuels. Hence, biofuels in the future could completely replace fossil fuels.

What is also very interesting is that algae can be grown in water, which are not good enough to drink. Also, algae can also be grown in as well in salt water. 

Algal Growth System

Biodiesel can be produced from algae. The production of biofuels from algae is very interesting area of research for many scientists all over the planet,

Algae can be grown in two ways - in an open pond system (natural or artificial) or in an enclosed system. Algae must be highly resistant to parasites grown in open systems because these are conditions that are not easy controllable

Without controlled conditions, it is difficult to sustain desired species of algae or grow at an optimal level for the production of biofuels. Closed systems have several advantages: not only closed systems allow the cultivation of a particular culture, but the algae in these systems can be directly fed highly concentrated carbon dioxide from industrial processes, and of course to maximize the amount of "captured" carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

Story goes on

Algae-based biofuel definitely has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry and play a leading role in the fight against greenhouse gases and climate change. Of course, a lot more researches needs to be conducted and these undertakings will require significant financial resources.

The thing is that fossil fuels lobbies are still too strong, therefore, it is very hard to promote new way of energy production. However, with the growing problem of global climate change, these lobbies would soon lose some of its influence, which would open the door to alternative fuels. One alternative that deserves attention in the years to come, is definitely biofuels produced from algae. 

Biggest potential of energy production based on algae is the fact that we do not transform food into the fuel. It is expected that significantly reduced total greenhouse gas emissions should be provided with sufficient financial resources for further research. The demand for energy will be increased in the years to come. Hence, there will be will constant Need for alternative fuels regardless of how long will last domination of fossil fuels. Production of biofuel from algae could be one of the surprising competitors in the field of alternative fuels in the not too distant future, especially if oil prices continue to rise. we might say that energy production based on algae certainly have its place in future. 

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