Friday 5 December 2014

Global Warming

In the previous century, the temperature on Earth has increased an average of between 0.6 °C. The hottest recorded year was 2005. If carbon dioxide emissions continue to grow, we can expect an increase in the average temperature of up to 6 °C. Greenhouse gases are collected in the upper atmosphere and have a double impact on the temperature of the Earth's surface. The first effect is a direct rejection of one part of the solar radiation back into space, and the second impact is reflecting a portion of solar radiation that bounced off the Earth's surface back to Earth. This second effect is called the greenhouse effect and this effect is responsible for maintaining a favorable temperature on the surface of the Earth. If there were no greenhouse effect, the average temperature at the Earth's surface would be about -19 ° C, rather than about 15 ° C, which is currently the case. One might say that solution for the problem of global warming is easily trackable: reducing the use of fossil fuels and minimizing deforestation, thereby reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However, in practice this is not feasible due to the inadequate development of alternative energy sources.

Causes of Global Warming

It is believed that the main cause of global warming is increased amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions due to the use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), deforestation and etc. Reducing the use of fossil fuels is currently very difficult because of the constant growth of the economy and production, as well as the high start investments in renewable energy. The world's biggest polluters are the United States, followed by China and Russia. Traditionally, the US reliance on fossil fuels has created a strong lobbies who slow down the development of new energy sources. China is in second place because of exceptional economic growth in recent years and the traditional reliance on coal as a primary energy source.


Another dominant cause of global warming is deforestation. It should be pointed out that forests are essential for maintaining normal levels of greenhouse gases due to the process of photosynthesis. During the process of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere and thus directly affect the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However, cutting down and burning forests has a double negative effect. Firstly, the process of burning forests releases large amounts of carbon dioxide. Secondly, reduced area of forests is less able to absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide. Due to the continuous increase in the number of people on Earth, and constant need for more food sources, deforestation takes place in order to expand arable land for agriculture and cattle. The deforestation process in favour of agriculture and cattle breeding is most dominant in South America.


Effects of global warming

Some of the possible consequences of global warming are:

- Rising sea levels and ocean due to melting glaciers (up to 60 cm by the end of the 21st century)
- More frequent natural disasters (heavy devastating storms, heat waves, floods, ...)
- Warmer environment will favor the spread of various diseases and thus significantly affect public health


The estimated effects of global warming are not always negative. It is clear that global warming leads to climate change. I will deinitely have positive effects in some regions, while the other regions could be some negative effects of climate change.No one cannot currently predict exactly what will happen and what will be the consequences of global warming. For these reasons it is not possible to assess whether the positive effects of global warming will be greater than the damage that will happen. Many scientists believe that the uncertainty of what will happen could be best motivation to attempt to minimize the consequences of gobal warming in future. It is believed that the uneven impact of global warming will also have deep impact on future population migration.


Global warming is already significantly affecting the climate and weather conditions on Earth. According to reports, the World Meteorological Organization states that the increase in average temperature is to blame for the increasing number of droughts and floods. High temperatures also prolong the season of drought in Africa and therefore failing crops, so there is a lack of food and drinking water. Europe, North America and parts of Asia are in the mild climate and thus in advantage to the rest of the world because these areas will not quickly turn into areas where life is very difficult - first there is a phase of transformation from moderate climate to harsher forms  of climate, like tropical or desert. The bigger problem will have areas that are already in a climate that hardly provides the conditions for life (for instance, sub-Saharan Africa). In these areas life could simply disappear.

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