Monday 8 December 2014

Ocean Energy

Energy consumption in the world is increasing rapidly. Reserves of fossil fuels are diminishing. Turning the use of alternative energy sources is an imperative of the modern era. Not only is it necessary to increase the energy production, but that energy should be clean or environmentally friendly.Energy production should not cause environmental problems such as global warming and air pollution. One of these new renewable energy sources could certainly be the energy of the ocean whose importance will certainly be much higher in the future.

Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface and thus represent potentially very reliable source of energy. Therefore, some studies show that in not so distant future, oceans could provide energy to households and industrial plants. Currently, quite a small umber of power plants that use the energy of the ocean, thus this potential is underused.In addition to this, dimesion of this plants is not large, hence contribution of energy produced in this systems is negligible on a global scale. But as the renewable sector is gaining importance, it should also increase production of this interesting type of energy. There are three basic types that are used in the exploitation of ocean energy: - wave energy, - tidal power, - use of temperature difference of water to get the energy (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC).

Wave Energy

Wave energy is a form of kinetic energy during the waves movement of the waves in the ocean, caused by the winds over the surface of the ocean. This energy is frequently used to start the turbine in order to produce electrical energy.Turbines are installed at the locations where winds are strong enough to produce a constant movement of the waves. This type of energy generation has high potential for the future. This energy can power a turbine, with following scenario: wave rises in the chamber, a growing force of water force air out of the chamber and thus the moving air then drives a turbine, which then drives a generator.

Tidal Power

Tidal energy also belongs to ocean energy. Tidal power is form of hydropower that exploits the movement of water, which occur due to the tides (fluctuations of the sea level). Electrical energy is produced by generators, large underwater turbines placed in areas with high tides, designed to capture the kinetic movement of the advancing tide, and to generate electricity. Tidal power has enormous potential for future energy projects, mainly due to the huge surface area of the world ocean.

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

Ocean thermal energy conversion is a method for producing electrical energy based on the temperature difference existing between deep and shallow water (water has lower temperature at greater depths). The larger the temperature difference, the greater the efficiency of the entire method is. Minimal difference between temperatures should be 38 degrees Fahrenheit. It is believed that using this method, large amount of electrical energy could be produced using existing technologies. However, disadvantage is that this method requires huge, expensive large diameter pipes that must be set at least a mile deep in the sea, and to be able to bring colder water from greater depths, which is of course very expensive.

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