Monday 22 December 2014

Global Dimming

The article on global warming would not be complete without mentioning global dimming as a very important phenomenon. Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface, due to the increased amounts of fine particles in the atmosphere caused by human activities throw the processes of fuel combustion. Many researches have shown that the amount of radiation reaching the ground is decreased by an average of 2-3% per decade, and in some areas even more. At the moment, scientists can not find the cause of drastically reducing the amount of solar radiation that reaches the ground given that the amount of particles that entered the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels can not be sufficient for such drastic changes.

Basic Principle of Global Dimming

Further study shown that are not particles themselves only guilty side in this process. The main problem is interaction of these particles with clouds and vapor in the atmosphere, which leads to mirroring solar radiation back into space. This refusal of the solar radiation is the main cause of global dimming. Just to clarify this process we say that clouds are composed of water vapor and invisible particles called aerosols. When conditions become suitable tiny water droplets begin to collect on these particles and when they become large enough to begin to fall to the ground. The problem that causes global dimming has actually increased the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere as tiny droplets of water then you have a lot more particles that can be collected, thus causing a lot more droplets in the cloud than they would be under normal conditions. These water droplets are now much more efficient bounce sunlight back into space because the same amount of water now spread to more droplets.

There are many laws and regulations passed that limit particulate emissions during the combustion of fuel. As a result, the effect of global dimming in Europe and North America began to decline. Phenomenon of  global dimming currently mostly affects countries like China and India due to the heavy process of industrialization and development, that was taking place in Europe and North America, during the seventies and eighties. Global dimming also significantly affected poorest countries in Africa.

Global dimming and global warming

Few days after the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York all civilian air traffic was stopped, and the industry was not working with full capacity. These days of reduced air pollution occurred interesting phenomenon - the sky became clearer, and the temperature difference between the hottest part of the day and the coldest part of the day has increased by one degree Celsius giving colder nights and warmer days.

Additional studies led to the conclusion that global dimming actually reduces the impact of global warming. These two are totally opposing phenomena and that for now the impact of global warming is more pronounced. One might conclude that if we increase the emissions of fine particles in the atmosphere, we can solve the problem of global warming without actually reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, consequences could be devastating. Fro instance, it will cause acid rains and health problems that occur due to the increased concentration of particles in the air.

If we consider that countries that are currently in development to adopt the same standards regarding air quality protection which currently exists in the western developed world, then the result of all this will be ideal conditions for acceleration of global warming. The problem is that most developed countries have limited greenhouse gas emissions, as well as restricting emissions of fine particles in the atmosphere and thus the effect of global warming is not reduced, and the effect of global dimming is reduced. If developing countries follow the same path, global effect of dimming will be decreased to the levels before the industrialization, but the effect of global warming will continue to increase due to greenhouse gases. In other words, we will lose the current effect that global dimming  has, reducing the impact of global warming.

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